There you are! You're looking great with your fresh summer glow, the rings under your eyes have disappeared and what's that?? You're only down to one cup of coffee a day?!?! Fantastic! You are ready then...ready to start mapping out your upcoming curriculum for the new school year, right?
Well, great, get to it...but, just in case that sunshine calls you away from your computer one last time, or that cold margarita needs to be drank before the ice waters it down, know that I've saved you some time putting together this list of Awesome and Relevant Websites for Science Teachers.
These are actually sites that I've personally bookmarked and used and I encourage you to do the same. They are loaded with very useful science content that would really benefit you and your students this upcoming school year.
Of course I have to mention Teachers Pay Teacher - it's the company that gave me the opportunity to share my curriculum with you. However, I'm not just a designer, I've used TpT to find countless high quality, classroom-tested resources that I've use again and again. Resources can be found for all science levels and subjects.
2. Web-based Inquiry Science Environment (WISE)
Computer based activities for students that incorporate interactive models that focus on science inquiry. Teachers can find something for every science subject.
3. The Periodic Table of Videos
Site offers the periodic table we all have come to love, except students can click on each element and watch a short video. The creators of this site have now included videos on some well-know molecules, so be sure to check those out too!
I'm a big believer in using demonstrations to "hook" students when introducing a new science concept and this site delivers not only demo ideas, but also includes instructions, materials needed, helpful hints AND explains the science behind them - just awesome and so relevant!
5. Edheads
This site offers students online activities such as performing a virtual knee replacement surgery, or designing a cell phone.
6. E.O. Wilson's Life On Earth
(Note: the download on this site requires access to iBooks store)
Many teachers I speak with are frustrated because their Life Science and Biology text books are in disrepair, outdated, or simply non-existent. Life on Earth is a Biology textbook series that consists of 41 chapters and can be downloaded for FREE! Such an amazing, and beautiful resource.
7. Compound Interest
I love having short reads for my students for various reasons, and one of my go-to sites for an interesting read is Compound Interest. Articles are relevant, fun and I've even learned a few things - like what is the chemistry behind wet dog smell or what is the chemical compound responsible for the aroma and flavor of whiskey (that one was for me, I love me a good Mint Julep in the summer!).
8. Nasa for Educators
NASA is passionate about education - especially when it comes to attracting and retaining students in the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). The lesson plans and teacher resources they provide are engaging and relevant to student's interests.
9. Innerbody
If you're teaching about human body systems, this is a site you do not want to overlook. Innerbody offers hundreds of interactive anatomy pictures of all the body systems and gives descriptions of all the components of each system.
10. BioVisions
This site from Harvard offers unparalleled visuals to share with your students when it comes to the workings of the Inner Life of the Cell. I've watched the videos again and again and they still fascinate me.
Do you have any sites that MUST be bookmarked by science teachers? Please share below so all can benefit!
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